Aging Parents

Elder Parents

Mom and Dad divorced when I was a tween. I stayed with Mom and we remained close. Forty years later, Mom has dementia and moved her oldest son in with her. Now Dad moved down the street with his wife. 

As Mom’s condition worsened, I moved her in with me and we sold her house. Dad’s wife passed away and he built a house across the street from us. That was his plan for independent living as he aged. At ninety his plan has worked out pretty good until his health started to deteriorate. With help from a couple siblings, we are managing, and Dad’s health has improved, and the plan is working so far.

With the help of the adult day care center, I manage well with Mom. It is always great to find resources when you need help. Not everyone has the luxury of resources nearby. They could always fall back on their church programs and other social services in the area, if any.  

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